• [已关闭] 太极计划数据分析系列报告之五:高频引力波数据处理 学术活动 - 会议 2021-03-02 - 2021-03-03
  • [已取消] Inferring the population properties of binary neutron stars with gravitational-wave measurements of spin 学术活动 - 讲座 2021-03-01 - 2021-03-02
    The recent LIGO-Virgo detection of gravitational waves from a binary neutron star merger event GW170817 and discoveries of its accompanying electromagnetic signals marked a new era for multi-messenger astronomy. In the coming years, advanced gravitational-wave detectors are likely to detect tens to hundreds of similar events. Neutron stars in binaries can possess significant spin, which is imprinted on the gravitational waveform via the effective spin parameter. We develop a fiducial model, informed by radio observations, in order to predict the effective spin of merging binaries like GW170817. We explore the astrophysical inferences made possible by gravitational-wave measurements of spin. First, using our fiducial model, we predict that around 15-40% of binary neutron stars should have non-negligible spins assuming the spin axis of the recycled neutron star aligns with total orbital angular momentum of the binary. Second, a population for which the recycled neutron star spinning at a few milliseconds periods can be distinguished from more typical systems after 10 detections. Third, with more than 50 detections, we can confidently tell whether or not the spin axis of the recycled neutron star tends to be aligned with the binary orbit. Finally, stringent constraints can be placed on neutron star magnetic field decay after 200 detections.
  • [计划中] International Symposium on Gravitational waves, Beijing 2017 (ISGW2017) 专题活动 - 专家访谈 2021-04-01 - 2021-04-08
    由中国科学院大学主办的“引力波国际研讨会”(英文名称:International Symposium on Gravitational Waves)于2017年5月26日在风景秀丽的国科大雁栖湖校区开幕。中国科学院“空间太极计划”首席科学家、国科大副校长吴岳良院士、中国科学院力学所胡文瑞院士、德国爱因斯坦研究所所长Karsten Danzmann教授和美国科罗拉多大学著名物理学家Peter Bender教授作为此次会议的召集人,与140余位引力波领域的海内外顶尖学者围绕引力波物理学、引力波探测的任务、策略和计划、引力波探测的前沿科学和技术、引力波探测合作等方面展开交流和研讨,共话空间引力波物理发展的未来。
  • [进行中] LIGO引力波数据分析 专题活动 - 暑期学校 2021-03-04 - 2021-03-06


